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Outnumbered but Happy

As Bible-believing Christians we find ourselves increasingly at the margins of society in the UK. More and more we are regarded now as not just outdated in our views, but even hateful or dangerous, especially when it comes to matters of sexuality. How should we respond? Thankfully both history and the Bible teach us that the church actually thrives when it's in the minority. So we can live among our friends, and among society more generally, without complaining or fear, but with courage, faith, joy, and love, especially towards those who view Christians with suspicion. This series was designed to help us do that better and better. We can be outnumbered but happy.

1. How to be a Happy Alien (1 Peter 2:11-12)
Sunday morning 26.05.19 - Luke Jenner
3. Living in the Best Story
(Genesis 1:26-31)
Sunday morning 09.06.19 - Luke Jenner
5. Men & Women: Happy to be Different
(1 Corinthians 11:2-16 and Ephesians 5:22-33)
Sunday morning 30.06.19 - Luke Jenner
2. Jesus: Truly Outnumbered, Truly Happy (Hebrews 12:1-3)


Sunday morning 02.06.19 - Luke Jenner
4. The Song our Bodies Sing 

(Genesis 2:4-3:7 and 1 Corinthians 6:12-20

Sunday morning 23.06.19 - Luke Jenner
6. The Invitation of the Blessed
(Isaiah 55:1-5)
Sunday morning 07.07.19 - Luke Jenner
7. The Home of the Outnumbered
(Mark 10:28-31)
Sunday morning 14.07.19 - Luke Jenner
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