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We are a group of people whose lives have been changed forever by one extraordinary man - Jesus Christ. We want to live in a way that honours him in our community.


We believe that the Bible - a book which is all about Jesus - is completely true, because it is God speaking to humanity for all time. We love the Bible and make it central to all we do.


We are a diverse group of people - different races, backgrounds, ages - but all united by our commitment to Jesus and our desire to make him better known in Halifax.


We are called 'Grace' because the Bible uses that word to describe God's amazing, undeserved kindness towards us. Our identity as a church is found ultimately not in anything we have done or can do, but in what God has done for us in sending Jesus into the world.


This is the good news or 'gospel' that the Bible is always talking about. It is wonderful to have discovered it and we want to share it with our town!



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